Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hi all!

I thought I would post a quick update on our family. Spring is beautiful here in Atlanta! I planted four tomato plants and one zucchini plant last week and they are already growing rapidly! It has been great weather and our kids are enjoying their after school time on our trampoline. Here is a short video of them:

Allison is almost as excited for school to be out (last day is May 23) as she is for her birthday this Sunday. She has had a successful year of first grade and made some good friends. Here is a picture of Allison with her project she did on Uncle Sam:

Sydney is doing great and loving her pre-school and dance class. Our cute little daughter didn't learn her lesson the first time she cut her hair and decided to cut it again though!! Luckily this time the damage wasn't quite as extreme and I was able to fix it up pretty good. Maybe I should go to beauty school?...okay maybe not.

Bryson is as active as ever. He had his first haircut yesterday. It was really more of a clean up, evening out job than an anything else. He saw the "post hair-cut" suckers before the hair-stylist started on him and insisted on having it immediately. He's always been a sucker for a sucker. It actually helped the wiggly guy sit relatively still though.

The day school gets out we are driving down to Destin, Florida for a week at the beach and then shortly thereafter we are headed to Utah for a couple of weeks. We hope to see as many of you as we can--we sure miss everyone! We love you and hope you are doing great!



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