Friday, June 20, 2008

Kunz Family Jamboree

I have a proposal. Considering we are all spread out across the country and we seem to gather only by happenstance and at the last minute during crazy holidays, I propose we start holding the Biennial (or Triennial) Clyde & Claudia Kunz Family Jamboree. Here are some loose guidelines:

1. What is a Kunz Family Jamboree you ask? Well, I see it as an informal gathering / family vacation of the Kunz family. I'm avoiding the term "reunion" because of all that that implies. I see it as a fun excuse to go somewhere we may have never been, or rarely go and/or an excuse to try and get together with far flung family. Informal means that we are all invited, not obliged to attend--come if you can, it'd be great to have everyone, but it'd be great to have anyone. It also should mean that though a couple of all-inclusive activities such as a big dinner and an activity are planned during the visit, the rest of the time should be more informal activities at everyone's leisure--join in or not. This allows us to interact in both small and large groups without high-pressure scheduling.

2. The Jamboree would occur on a 2 or 3 year schedule . For example, below I will outline my proposal for a 2009 gathering. From here on out, we could have a gathering either every odd year, or every third year. (Feedback--what do you think is more realistic?)

3. The Jamboree would be hosted by one of the siblings. By hosting I mean a sibling volunteers to plan a location, be it their home area, or a destination of their choice. They could research some places to stay and things to do and basic costs. They should not be expected to house anyone (they can make limited offers if they so choose). As you'll see below, I am volunteering to host the first Jamboree. Ideally, we would have a volunteer host emerge for the next Jamboree by the end of the previous. For example, at the 2009 Jamboree, Ryan may volunteer to host the 2011 Jamboree. Then, sometime in or before 2010, he would announce the locale and dates. A location and date should be chosen at least a year out so plans can be made. Alternatively, we could get on a rotation and schedule, but this does not allow as much flexibility for each family's availability and best timeframe for each locale. (feedback?)

4. Consideration should also be given for the size and diverse personalities of our growing family. For example, we may not want to all rent a big house on the beach and cram everyone in. I suggest in selecting locations, there is closeness, but not crampedness. And, there should be options--to continue the beach house example, the host may research and find a four bedroom beach house near a couple of 2 bedroom beach houses and a lodge. He provides the contact information and pricing and each family can choose to reserve a home, contact another family and reserve a house together, or book a room at the lodge. Obviously this won't work in every locale, but you get the idea. I'm just saying, we want to enjoy our stay, not make each other crazy with our strong personalities, so let's be realistic about accommodations.

That's all I can think of. These guidelines are certainly open for feedback--additions and deletions. In fact, the whole idea is up for vote. If y'all think it'd never work, say so and we can scrap it (or those of us who think it'd work will just go have fun on our own . . . ).

Anyway, for the First Biennial (or Triennial?) C&C Kunz Family Jamboree, I would like to invite everyone out to South Carolina the week of August 9th, 2009. I know it's far for most of you, but at least for 8 of us (that would be exactly 1/3 of us), it's nearby, so I call it a pretty good locale. That week YMCA Camp Greenville will be holding the end of summer Family Camp. You can follow the link to get an idea of the activities and location. There is also pricing on there, but I should be able to get about a 50% discount--it would kind of depend on how many people would be coming. Here is the link to Camp Greenville's main pages as well.

The price (per person, per night, children 3 and under are free) includes housing in a cabin, all meals and programming. There are three types of cabins, the cheapest have flush toilets, but you walk to a shower house. The other two types have bathrooms with showers in the cabins. Each family would get a side of a cabin to themselves (unless they wanted to share). Each side is a separate room with 6-20 bunks depending on the style and side. Some have individual bathrooms, some share a bath with the other side of the cabin. Ask me for any more specifics. Meals are offered buffet style in our dining hall. Programming includes many of the activities listed on the website, all guided by camp staff. Or you can opt to hike the trails on your own, or just sit by the lakes or play games in the lodge, ping pong or basketball in the gym. At that time of the year there will be horses--both ring and trail rides, swimming in the lake, canoing and oh so much more. Most of main camp is accessibly by car if necessary, and we may even be able to swing a golf cart from maintenance for anyone with a pacemaker and/or bionic knee.

There would be 5 nights available--Sunday through Friday, but you could stay fewer. Once I get a sense of if and how many nights people are interested in coming, we could try and coordinate a more specific length of stay. There are also numerous state and national parks nearby if you want to venture away from camp--though there is certainly plenty to keep you busy right in camp. If you're really into roughing it, talk to me about camping at one of the campsites on site. I could see what/if they would charge you to camp out and participate in meals and activities. We have a queen futon in our living room and could possibly put up Mom & Dad or Jared's family (be warned, we have cats and the futon is smack dab in the middle of our 800 square foot house)--or you could camp in our yard . . .

We are close enough to Atlanta, that perhaps families could spend a night or two in that area if they desire. If you want to check flights, you can fly into either Atlanta (ATL-usually cheaper, but about a 3 hour drive), Greenville SOUTH Carolina (GSP), or Asheville NORTH Carolina (AVL)--both about an hour drive from here, or even Charlotte, NC--about a 3 hour drive. For mileage/driving inquiries, search for Solomon Jones Road, Cedar Mountain, North Carolina 28718.

Email me, or post comments with feedback, questions and the like.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Hi all!

I thought I would post a quick update on our family. Spring is beautiful here in Atlanta! I planted four tomato plants and one zucchini plant last week and they are already growing rapidly! It has been great weather and our kids are enjoying their after school time on our trampoline. Here is a short video of them:

Allison is almost as excited for school to be out (last day is May 23) as she is for her birthday this Sunday. She has had a successful year of first grade and made some good friends. Here is a picture of Allison with her project she did on Uncle Sam:

Sydney is doing great and loving her pre-school and dance class. Our cute little daughter didn't learn her lesson the first time she cut her hair and decided to cut it again though!! Luckily this time the damage wasn't quite as extreme and I was able to fix it up pretty good. Maybe I should go to beauty school?...okay maybe not.

Bryson is as active as ever. He had his first haircut yesterday. It was really more of a clean up, evening out job than an anything else. He saw the "post hair-cut" suckers before the hair-stylist started on him and insisted on having it immediately. He's always been a sucker for a sucker. It actually helped the wiggly guy sit relatively still though.

The day school gets out we are driving down to Destin, Florida for a week at the beach and then shortly thereafter we are headed to Utah for a couple of weeks. We hope to see as many of you as we can--we sure miss everyone! We love you and hope you are doing great!



Wednesday, April 9, 2008


We are all very grateful that Dad is home safely and recovering well from his knee surgery. I'm sure the prayers of our children have had something to do with it ("ess ampa ee"). I've thought alot about this whole thing over the last few weeks and am hoping to learn some things through it all.

1) Knee Replacement Surgery runs in the family (as do bad knees and obesity).
2) From what I understand, one's original knees will last longer if you can lose extra weight.

I mentioned to mom that I hoped Dad would post pictures of his knee surgery on the Kunz Knuz in order to help those of us with weight problems and fledgling bad knees be inspired to (or frightened into) losing weight. But, given that he was asked to remove the colonoscopy pics because they were too gross, I figure I'm not going to hold my breath.

Instead, the other evening (at BRASB's, since I can't watch videos with dial-up), I stayed up late to watch some adult videos. Here is the link I happened into:

It is a video of an actual knee replacement surgery on You Tube. All I can say is that there are various saws and drills involved and that I had to watch it with the volume off, through my fingers with a running commentary of "oooo, OH!, AGGHHH!, AYE-YAYE-YAYE" and "you have got to be kidding me!"

Boy Dad, I feel your pain (or I at least have your pain etched permanently into my brain now). I hope I never have to go through that.

Love you!

("ess ampa nee", translation: "Bless Grandpa's knee)

Thursday, January 31, 2008

"Action" Jackson Rides for the Gold!

Andrew Jackson’s Liberty First Spouse $10 Gold Coin
President, 1829–1837

The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005 contains a provision to provide continuity of the First Spouse Gold Coin Program during those times in which a president served without a first spouse. This provision applies to Andrew Jackson, whose wife Rachel died in December 1828, just a few months before his presidential inauguration.

The gold coins issued to accompany any president who served without a spouse will each feature a design emblematic of Liberty on its obverse, as depicted on a United States coin issued during the President’s time in office. For Andrew Jackson’s presidency, the selected image appeared on the Capped Bust, Lettered Edge Half-Dollar coin from 1807–1836, and was originally executed by United States Mint Engraver John Reich.

Reverse Design

Andrew Jackson, known as “Old Hickory,” is remembered as a war hero who led a force of approximately 4,000 American troops against a British Army more than twice that size and emerged victorious in January 1815 at the Battle of New Orleans. Although a treaty had been signed at Ghent, Belgium, weeks earlier, the news had not reached either army, and the American troops’ victory at the Battle of New Orleans helped secure that crucial southern sea port as part of the first successful military defense of the country’s national sovereignty.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Obama's Top Ten Campaign Promises (From David Letterman)

Obama's Top Ten: Obama appeared on David Letterman's "Late Show" last night where he gave his Top Ten campaign promises:

10. To keep the budget balanced, I’ll rent the situation room for sweet sixteens.

9. I will double your tax money at the craps table.

8. Appoint Mitt Romney secretary of lookin’ good.

7. If you bring a gator to the White House, I’ll wrassle it.

6. I’ll put Regis on the nickel.

5. I’ll rename the tenth month of the year “Barack-tober.”

4. I won’t let Apple release the new and improved Ipod the day after you bought the previous model.

3. I’ll find money in the budget to buy Letterman a decent hairpiece.

2. Pronounce the word nuclear, nuclear.

1. Three words: Vice President Oprah.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


This is a quick photo-manipulation at did at work the other day after someone emailed out a link about the recent UFO sightings in Texas (on my break, of course). It was the same day Apple announced their new skinny laptop, and this just sort of came to me like a revelation...

: jk