Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Double Tow Truck

Haven't heard much from us backwoods-ers in awhile, so I thought I'd chime in. Ethan had a great day at camp the other week--camp didn't have such a great day. One morning as Ethan and his friend Acadia were playing out in the driveway I heard a loud crash. I ran out expecting to find our van had been rolled down the driveway, across the road, down the ravine and over the waterfall. Fortunately for us, that was not the case. Unfortunately for camp, a bus of campers had been returning from the horse barn and a truck had been speeding down the mountain collided right outside of Matt's office. Needless to say we spent quite a while checking out the incident from Matt's window. Then, we waited for the tow-truck and watched it haul off the vehicles. Ethan speculated to grandma that a "double-tow-truck" would be needed and proceeded to explain to her what that was. She asked for a picture. Unfortunately, just a single tow-truck arrived for double duty, but we got a picture of that anyway.

While we're all posting pics, here are a couple more of my boys at camp (oh, and the bright orange salamanders Elliot found in the brush).

Friday, August 17, 2007

The chaos before the final portrait!

Remember last Christmas? And the disastrous visit to Inkley's Portrait Studio? Here's a funny outtake. Maybe they should get some photographers that know how to do family portraits - like get the kids attention, take lots of shots, etc? Oh well, the final shot turned out OK, after a few headswaps and such...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

A few shots of the kids...


Well, since we're posting's some dude that was selling tacos at the Mariners game last night. He looks eerily familiar...

Monday, August 13, 2007

Kunz Knewz from CA and WA (not western australia)

Some guy named "J. Kunz" painted these pictures and they were placed on this video game art website for this obscure game called "World of Warcrack" or something. I think this guy definitely has some "sweet skills" so I thought I would share them with you all. Here is the link to each as well.

This dude came to visit us this weekend. He says he's my brother or something and he didn't want any pictures taken of himself, but we got one when he wasn't looking while sitting watching a football game on the couch: